Day 4 Habit Refresh: Bites & Speed
10 Day Habit Refresh
Day Four: Bite Sizes & Speed
Updated January 2025
Click here for Day Three: Protein Textures
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Three questions we’ll answer about each habit in this series
In this series, I will answer three questions about each of the habits:
What benefit does this habit bring a post-op patient?
How might the lack of this habit effect a post-op patient?
How can you best build up this habit in the post-op daily life?
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What benefits do small bites and eating slowly bring a post-op patient?
If you read or listened to yesterday’s post (link here to catch up) you might have noticed my hinting at how bite sizes and speed would be connected to focusing on solid protein.
In the bariatric world, we refer to bite sizes and speed as eating behaviors.
Eating behaviors are the actual actions around how the food is eaten. The speed of eating, the length of chewing, and the point of stopping. These are the behaviors associated with a mealtime.
(Although in my house the behaviors around eating include two small children that struggle to sit in a chair very long. I feel like the ability to sit in a chair should also be related to an eating behavior!)
If a patient is not tolerating a food, the dietitian will likely ask more questions to identify if the issue is related to the food itself or the eating behavior of the meal.
But let’s be honest. These habits are really tough. In an effort to focus on the positive first, let’s talk through how ideal bariatric eating behaviors will benefit a post-op patient.
Bariatric Sized Bites
Arguably one of the hardest eating behaviors a post-op will need after surgery is to eat tiny bites.
It does go against what feels normal and natural about eating a meal. Many patients will buy smaller forks and realize just how large our forks are as humans!
You’ll hear bariatric dietitians give all sorts of visuals for what size of a bite you should aim for. The trick is also to listen to your pouch for yourself. In my years of practice, my colleagues and I would use a black bean as a visual or sometimes your pinkie fingernail for a visual that you have on hand (pun intended.)
Yes. It is super weird.
It all has to do with the stoma or the opening of your stomach after surgery. The surgeons are all smarter than me and would be better able to explain the size of the pouch they create, but nonetheless we all know they made the stomach small.
Getting something large into something that is small is going to create some commotion.
Surgeons I worked for in the past have used a highlighter marker as a visual for the opening into a post-op stomach. Whether this is a perfect example or not, it reminds us that a bite that is too big trying to get into a small opening (the marker cap) will cause backup and/or discomfort.
A patient who takes small bites (pencil eraser, black bean, pinkie nail) will be provided food in the appropriate size to get into the small pouch. They will tolerate food (especially solid protein) more easily and feel less confusion about when to stop eating.
This means they can fill up on that filling, solid protein, and identify their stopping point. This helps with portion control and hunger control.
Speed of eating
Connected to the bite-size is the speed at which the bites are eaten.
Going back to the highlighter marker, even if the bites are very small if they are eaten quickly back to back it can cause a backup as well. It can also make it confusing to identify when to stop eating because possibly the last bite you needed was on its way down but another bite is following quickly behind it.
A patient who spaces out their bites will be better able to identify their natural stopping point.
Some programs may give a guideline on how long to wait in between bites. My go-to recommendation here is to put your fork down in between each bite and ask yourself how you feel.
Meal times are ideally 20-30 minutes. If you are early post-op you may find you can’t make a meal last 20 minutes! You’ll get there. It does take about that long for the brain to identify fullness. Another reason why eating too fast means overeating.
If someone is taking more than 30 minutes that can turn into a grazing pattern and the first bite may be on its way out of the pouch but more bites are slowly coming. This makes it harder to know the true portion size.
Quick side note: many programs and patients will put an emphasis on chewing well. While this is certainly important, I would prefer the emphasis be put on the size of the bite itself. A large bite that is chewed 100 times will still hit too heavy if it is too big. Small bites are often chewed enough because it doesn’t take as much time to chew if it’s less food.
How might the lack of this habit affect a post-op patient?
Once again we are acknowledging that small bites and eating slowly is way, way easier said than done. I get you.
This is one of those habits that patients often have to get back to. It’s worth getting back to and don’t feel badly if you find yourself needing to course correct, again.
When I was counseling patients all day every day (before I was able to work full time on this website!) I bet I talked about bite sizes and speed with 70% of my appointments.
The times when someone was doing well with it, they often had little to no trouble staying on track with their diet.
Compared to the times when someone was really struggling with it, their food choices were all over the place. It’s a super powerful habit for better or worse.
If you are having too large of bites and/or eating too quickly, you might experience premature fullness. You think you are full or need to stop, but find yourself hungry an hour or two later.
This causes trouble with snacking which creates more grazing or more hunger issues throughout the day. If those snacks are also higher in carbohydrates, the hunger is only stronger. When a patient tells me they are hungry all day, the first thing we dial into is the bite size and speed.
Many patients start to gravitate away from solid protein (as discussed yesterday) making it harder to have restriction and hunger control from their meals. They may have food aversions (strong dislike) of solid protein if meat is causing a lot of issues. We can oftentimes course correct eating behaviors!
How can you best build this habit in the post-op life?
Keep trying.
Don’t give up trying to get back to eating your meals with bariatric habits.
Many patients like cocktail forks (small forks) because it’s hard to take a large bite on a tiny fork.
Many others like the timer inside the Baritastic app (by the way, if you use Baritastic you may notice tons of the recipes in there are mine!)
My other tip is to cut all your food up before you start eating. If you tend to get distracted (ME) this helps big time.
Here’s my second reminder in this series that no patient will get all of these habits perfect. It’s good to know what they are, why they are, and how you can build them up. If you can do a lot of these things, pretty well, most of the time that will serve you better than expecting more of yourself and giving up!
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This is my issue! I know what I need to do – doing it is another thing. Thank you for the reminders. My cocktail fork is out for the next meal. I think I have my February focus challenge. I plan to start now. :D
This may be my issue as well because I find that I am hungry 24/7. I haven’t felt that level of fullness that others experience. I do burp after some of my meals which that is also telling me that I have had enough. At least that is what my surgery binder from my doctors’s office describes. This past November, at my first post op Zoom appointment with the dietician, she told us that new research was out and that we no longer had to wait 30 minutes between drinking and eating but to still wait 30 minutes between eating and drinking. What are your thoughts on this? Thank you for your time!
Great question! I agree you can drink up until your first bite. When the first bite goes in, avoid liquids and I like to aim for 45-60 minutes after the meal to keep food in the stomach longer. I encourage patients to set a timer to remind them to get back to water if they tend to let it turn into longer!
The cocktail fork is such a helpful trick! It’s awkward but it keeps it front of mind!
So no specific time period between bites, just bean sized well chewed and think about fullness?
@Rebecca correct. I always say to put the fork down and let go of it in between bites. Some programs may say to wait 20 seconds and the Baritastic app does have a timer inside to help you pace. I like to aim for 20 minute meals but not more than 30 minute or it turns into more of a grazing pattern.
This one really hit home. 6 months post op and I continue to struggle with eating too fast and, occasionally, too large of bites. I chew well enough but reading through day 4 refresh really put things into perspective for me.
I’m so glad it’s helpful! Like I mentioned, really easy habit to get away from, but also very powerful when you get back to it!
Bingo! This is my focus.
I use a toddler fork spoon and knife set from my local big chain store and a toddler divider plate
Perfect! They really are helpful tools for keeping these hard habits front of mind.
Let me know how it goes!
The cocktail fork is a great idea. I’ve been using an ice tea spoon but this will be better for some food!
Thank you!
Exactly what I am doing!!! No wonder I am always hungry!
I was reminded of my family’s nickname for me at the dinner table – “The cow’s tail” because I was the last one finished eating. NOT because I was slow so much as I was always talking – in which case, I was told “curfew!” Until I cleaned up my plate!
Now, 20 years out, and 24 lbs. heavier than my lowest weight, has the opening of my stomach (stoma?) too enlarged to make a difference?
In the past, I HAVE overestimated the size of my stomach and threw up; but these days, not so much.
I have lately been taking smaller bites but not as small as my little finger; I have been chewing food longer. I guess what I’m asking, would my stomach be too stretched out to function as needed (The reason I ask this is that my mom said that the less I eat the more my stomach would shrink which always pretty much sounded like an old wife’s tale)
Some may find they can be a little more flexible with the bite size! It’s good to start on the smaller end and test from there. I have a great article on if the post-op stomach can stretch. That might be a good read for you next!