WLS Questions – How to Kick Carbs After Falling off the Wagon?

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

May 15, 2018

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How to Kick Carbs After Falling off the Wagon?

Bariatric surgery patient asks an honest question, my honest answer


Alyse asked….

I had VSG back in July 2017… since then, I’ve reverted to old bad habits and am REALLY struggling to reduce and limit my carb intake. Any suggestions on how you beat carb addiction after falling off the wagon?

I’m so glad Alyse put words to the question SO MANY post-ops patients have wondered.

All over this site I talk about how it’s never too late and that losing re-gain and getting back on track is always in the cards for anyone who is ready!

The first thing I did was referred Alyse to my video course on Getting Back on Track.

The reason this course is where I always start is truly because of the order of the material. I feel strongly that you MUST start with the two keys to success before making up any sort of meal plan or grocery list.

The episodes of my back on track course include:

⇒Motivation and Accountability.

Without these, it’s very easy to cycle up and down, having a good day and then a bad day. Wash, rinse, repeat. The constant re-starting is typically a result of not having a clear WHY or a clear support system in place. These things really do matter!

⇒ Different approaches to getting back on track

Some people do great with a “reset” diet but it’s not a good fit for everyone. You don’t HAVE to do a liquid style diet to get carbs back out. There is also not an actual “resetting” of the pouch going on. Your pouch is exactly the same on day 5 of a diet like that…what’s changing is the fuel your body is using.

Any meal plan that has you eating protein and vegetables without starchy breads, pasta, rice, chips, desserts, etc is going to get you back into fat burning.

It helps tremendously to have bariatric friendly snacks and bars on hand for the moments the cravings are intense but you are trying to power through. Bariatric Choice is an online supplement store with several options for protein bars or salty snacks. I prefer looking for products where the protein and carbs are as close as possible. A few photos of my favorites below! Disclaimer: Bariatric Food Source compensated me for linking to their site however my opinions are my own.

Protein pretzel twists for bariatric surgery patients endorsed by FoodCoachMe sponsored by Bariatric Food Source Caramel Crunch Protein Bar with high protein for bariatric surgery patients endorsed by FoodCoachMe and for sale on Bariatric Food Source

Purchase Snacks Here

⇒ Setting a realistic plan

Which brings me to the next point I really wanted to encourage Alyse with.

Getting carbs out of your system takes about 3-5 days and then the RESOLVE to say no to them really does strengthen! That means ALL OF US are less than a week away from being back in control! Less than a week! 

Making a good, clear plan for a week and stocking up the kitchen really changes things. Not that carbs never sound good…but the addiction feelings really do weaken and the “I could take it or leave it” feelings start coming in. Stick with that momentum and soon enough the results get the “nope not worth it” feelings back in full swing.

⇒ Get rid of the triggers

The final episode in my back on track course is focused on the real trigger foods that we have to address. These are the ‘gateway’ foods which mean they are hard to say no to and they open the door to other foods you would have otherwise stayed away from!

Sometimes this means talking to the family, changing the home environment or changing your routine at the office. It is important to identify where triggers are lurking and how to fight back.

I also pointed Alyse to one more video specific to carbs. This video is part of the series all new email subscribers receive. In fact, getting back on track is the number on reason why someone joins the FoodCoach.Me membership!

Free weight loss surgery teaching videos from bariatric dietitian. Best meal plan after surgery, the truth about carbs and how to strengthen your willpower

Thank you again to member Alyse for her question and honesty. Members to FoodCoach.Me connect with one another in our closed Facebook group. Along with my response she was encouraged and greeted with the positive environment of our group ❤️

Weight Loss Surgery Nutrition FoodCoach.Me

2 thoughts on “WLS Questions – How to Kick Carbs After Falling off the Wagon?”

  1. Well ,I’m just over a year out from surgery . Really struggling with pretzels . Before my surgery I was a sugar a holic . Now I crave pretzels . Are there any healthy pretzels out there ? Thank you .

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