Weight Loss Surgery Deals at Costco

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

August 30, 2018

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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Bariatric Grocery Shopping at Costco


Weight loss surgery shopping at Costco! An ongoing blog for bariatric grocery shopping at Costco for easy made meals, high protein foods, veggies and snacks. #wlsliving #bariatricsurgery #fastdinners #gastricsleevelife #gastricbypasslife


I used to be a Costco Newbie.

I recently became a Costco member after years of using my friend’s Sam’s Club card to purchase a few things in bulk a month. I used to buy a few items in bulk but didn’t feel the need for a membership. After a series of events including having two children, little time and a deep freezer in my laundry room, it seemed best to start the world of buying in bulk.

Weight Loss Surgery Deals at Costco! Items I recommend as a Bariatric Dietitian AND avid Costco Shopping. Entrees, snacks, drinks and more for Gastric Sleeve, Bypass, and DS patients! #wlsrecipes #gastricsleeverecipes #gastricbypass #rny #vsg #bariatric

My previous routine was weekly meal planning and getting the majority of my items from Aldi, plus the rest at our local grocery store. This worked perfectly with me for the longest time until all the seasons shifted in life as they usually do and my routine shifted as well.

Hot tip: if you don’t already have a Costco Membership, look on Groupon for a deal on membership!

While the Groupon I purchased was still the same price as the membership everyday, it ADDED a $25 gift card to the store, a large package of AA batteries, a case of sanitizing wipes, $20 off a purchase of meat AND a $25 coupon off an online purchase of $250.

Weight Loss Surgery Deals at Costco! Items I recommend as a Bariatric Dietitian AND avid Costco Shopping. Entrees, snacks, drinks and more for Gastric Sleeve, Bypass, and DS patients! #wlsrecipes #gastricsleeverecipes #gastricbypass #rny #vsg #bariatric

Before my first trip, I posted on my personal Facebook to ask what other people like to buy from Costco.Ohhhhh my goodness the answers. There were SO many!

As Costco’s Biggest Fan AND a Bariatric Dietitian…I’ve created a Roadmap to Costco.

As I’ve been a member for a few months now and buy a great majority of my food from them, I’ve started to become familiar with my go-to items. My darling husband loves to tease me that I’ve become Costco #1 biggest fan. It’s probably true.

Weight Loss Surgery Deals at Costco! Items I recommend as a Bariatric Dietitian AND avid Costco Shopping. Entrees, snacks, drinks and more for Gastric Sleeve, Bypass, and DS patients! #wlsrecipes #gastricsleeverecipes #gastricbypass #rny #vsg #bariatric

As I frequent Costco, I consistently take photos of bariatric friendly items that I would recommend to my patients and follows. I created a Roadmap to Costco for Bariatric Patients that is available in it’s entirety to members of my website.

If you are ALREADY a member of FoodCoachMe…Click the link below to access your PDF!

Not a member? Find out more and access the Roadmap Today!

Weight Loss Surgery Deals at Costco! Items I recommend as a Bariatric Dietitian AND avid Costco Shopping. Entrees, snacks, drinks and more for Gastric Sleeve, Bypass, and DS patients! #wlsrecipes #gastricsleeverecipes #gastricbypass #rny #vsg #bariatric

Weight Loss Surgery Nutrition FoodCoach.Me

13 thoughts on “Weight Loss Surgery Deals at Costco”

  1. Yes on the vitamins! My program recommends the vitamins from Costco and they’re pretty picky. No gummies, gender/age specific, or prenatal vitamins. Costco’s Adult Multivitamin vitamin, sublingual B12, Vit D (on sale right now!), iron, B1, and Benefiber (Costco has a Kirkland brand). I only buy bariatric calcium citrate chews outside of Costco. It’s a great deal. Plus I buy my off-brand Zyrtec from them. 365 pills in a bottle for less than $20. I love Costco!

  2. @Kendra thank you!!! Fantastic response and recommendations! I will snap some photos and update the post with a shout out for your help :)

  3. i will like to find out all the items we can purchase at costcos that are bariatric friendly do you have a list by any chance?

  4. I was told by my bariatric Doctor not to eat processed foods but I see that you do use them. Is there a basic rule to use when choosing processed food then?

  5. @Niki every program is different for sure. Sometimes the phrase “don’t eat processed foods” isn’t specific enough to follow. Anything that I highlight in a shopping guide I think is a helpful tool and option for bariatric surgery patients but certainly other providers will have differing advice. My basic rules are to focus on items with protein as the focus. I have a ‘nutrition label cheat sheet’ for members to the site that helps as a guide for what to look for in different items. Thank you for your comment!

  6. I haven’t had the surgery but am looking into ways to lose weight anyways. Is there a lists for Sams club the closest Costco is over an hour away.

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