Strength Training and Bariatric Surgery

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

November 13, 2023

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Strength Training and Bariatric Surgery

Live interview replay with why every bariatric surgery patient should be strength training…and how to get started

Thank you to Julie Przbyla RD for her time and knowledge!!! The replay is below and she can be found on Instagram at @vibrantRD or

Find out more about the program I LOVE using with Julie!

^^ This is an affiliate link but rest assured, I only promote things I fully endorse. A good program to build a strength routine that I love using myself? Yes…full endorsement!


In this live interview, Julie Pryzbyla RD shares some really insightful reasons WHY to strength train after bariatric surgery….and GREAT tips on getting started with strength training.

Everyone should be strength training after bariatric surgery. And now we see this is true with anti-obesity medications too!

Lifting weights does not make you bulky! It makes your body burn more calories at rest.

1 – Start Small (super simple like push ups on the wall)

2- Body Weight Exercises (great for technique, build a great foundation)

3- Building muscle means building a metabolically active body – your muscles at rest will burn more calories

4- Appetite control, prioritizing protein and lower intensity cardio + building muscle will help your hunger stay on control

5- When trying a new gym or figuring out the weights – have a positive mindset! You belong there as much as everyone else. Most people aren’t looking at you or if they are, they are willing to help!



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