Steam in Bag Brussels Sprouts

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

September 22, 2016

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Brussel Sprouts Steamed in Bag - Vegetable Side Dishes Weight Loss Surgery

You know what I’ve noticed?

Brussels Sprouts get a bad rap. Ever since I was a  kid it was involved in jokes about the gross vegetable on the school lunch tray or something your grandma would eat (I’m not certain that my Grandma WOULD eat brussels sprouts). It makes me think of looking at my plate and saying “be sure to eat your brussels sprouts!”

In fact, in my family, there is a long standing story about the day my mother tried to serve brussels sprouts to her husband and three daughters. It wasn’t her children that balked. Nope. My dad’s dramatic response “oh no! I hate brussels sprouts!” inevitably ended in three little voices saying “yuck! I hate brussels sprouts!” My poor mother.

When I grew up (I think I have anyway…?) I started trying roasted brussels sprouts. Tossed in olive oil, sea salt and black pepper. Roasted at 425 for 20 minutes. My mind was blown. THIS was the same vegetable I had sworn off and made fun of?

Then I tried sautéing them on the stovetop with turkey bacon.

Gastric Bypass Side Dishes - Steam in Bag Brussels Sprouts

But recently. I got really bold. I saw THIS bag ^^^ at my local Aldi. Steamed Brussels??? Dare I?

The package promised me it would be done in 5 minutes and that I could season it anyway I’d like. I spend the $3 and gave it a chance.

I had no idea.

I had no idea that steamed brussels sprouts were any good!!! I toss about a teaspoon of olive oil and some {generous} pinches of sea salt and pepper into the bag. Tossed well and microwaved for 5 minutes. My husband and I both were IMPRESSED and I am so excited there is now another vegetable that can be made in minutes along side our protein. Maybe you knew this?? Or maybe you’re a postop bariatric patient and need some encouragement to branch out and try a “scary” vegetable! You never know what lie you might uncover! Like the lie that brussels sprouts were something you had to choke down while someone made sure that you did! 

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