Emotional Eating and Bariatric Surgery Video Course


When the “Hunger and Bariatric Surgery” course leaves some questions like “What about stress eating?” it’s time to talk about the other reasons why we eat!

No, it’s not because you’re a weak person. It’s because you’re A person.

Bored, tired, sad, stress, lonely, angry and everything in between.

In this course, we dig into the biology around triggers to eat, how to understand them, and what to do about it.

This course is included in Premier Access Membership. Purchasing this product is for the stand-alone course outside of membership. Includes all 10 videos, notes, and worksheets.



Emotional Eating and Bariatric Surgery Video Course


This course is included in Premier Access Membership.  If you are a current member, you don’t need to buy this course!! Log in to your account and go to to Video Courses for access to all the video library.