No. More. Procedures.

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

February 19, 2013

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Upon the list of things I don’t really love…I would list “angiogram” among the top. Ick. Although, it really is amazing what they can do to get into the small spaces of the body to determine what malfunctions are occurring. At some point, however, you stop thinking of how cool it is…and start thinking about how uncomfortable it is.

Yesterday morning- I had my last angiogram. Hallelujah!!!! With the results of the previous (third) angiogram, my doctor had told me to anticipate the healing would not occur on it’s own and to be prepared to have another procedure following the forth angiogram. The six weeks between the third and forth angiogram allowed my family and friends to do what we know is best- pray. We prayed in the car. We prayed on the phone. We prayed over FaceTime. We prayed with others at church. Hands were laid upon me. Some of us fasted the day before. My favorite saying to others was “I like to think he already healed it…we just don’t know it yet.”

Well, I will never know when exactly the fistula was healed…but I do know that yesterday, they found complete healing in my arteries. No fistula. No narrowing. No. More. Procedures.

Our God is SO good. SO merciful. SO beautiful. We know it was only he who put all these pieces of my body back together. When you see the pictures of our car- no one expected us to be alive. We are not only alive, we are living (and getting married in 46 days!)

My prayer is the news of our great, grand, and beautiful miracle would be an encouragement to all. A faith builder that he is FOR us and he makes beautiful things out of ashes. If you are in need of prayer for God to show his power- ask. Ask me. Ask everyone. There is so much beauty in having so many come around you to lift you up when you need it most.

Thank you for being on my team. I am humbled by all the members of “Team Steph” who are on my side, cheering for good news, and praying for God to show up more and more. Consider me the first one to sign up on YOUR team when you are in your hour of need. HE HEALS TODAY! (Jeremiah 30:17)

14 thoughts on “No. More. Procedures.”

  1. Steph! Its been so cool to praise God with you and the people we mutually know the past several months. In fact, I didn’t even realize that I knew who you were until I met your mom at mission Adelante (where I work) and realized for Pete’s sake you were at OSU when i was in the house chuech from bridgeway. Anyway, God is so good so glad to hear complete healing!

  2. Steph,
    This is such wonderful news. I celebrate that your are putting God on display and letting so many of us enter into this miracle with you through prayer. Bring on a wedding.

  3. Steph, I haven’t met you yet but your fiance gave me your blog address. I love it! What a beautiful testimony to the power of prayer. Congratulations to you both on your pending wedding and I hope to meet you soon.

  4. Steph, I am so very happy for you!!! You are a wonderful special person! I am blessed to have met you!!! Julie Woodson

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