NEW Member Features Released!!

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

October 12, 2016

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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Protein Focused, Bariatric & GLP-1 Friendly

We’ve been working so hard here at FoodCoach.Me to offer more ways to support you on your journey to wellness!!

While there are countless other ideas in my brain of what I want to create with this little website, TODAY I get to announce two super exciting features that we’ve added for you to start utilizing right away.

If you’re wondering to yourself “who is this ‘we’ she speaks of?” …FoodCoach.Me is a two-man band. Myself as your bariatric dietitian and MR. FoodCoachMe as your web developer. Together we run this little operation ;-) But without further ado….

Announcing the newest FoodCoachMe Member Features: an interactive meal planner and educational video course tracks! All focused on bariatric surgery patients!

For you visual learners, this is a quick video to explain the features.

The meal planner is a fantastic tool that is only improving. We are limited to what the developer of the app has for us, and being that he is from Belgium, there are a few subtle quirks such as the conversion to US Imperial metrics. So you may have to go through and make sure that you know that 32 oz ounces of chicken breast means 2 pounds of chicken breast. Also, I’ll be spending extra time putting older FoodCoachMe recipes into the new system so that soon you will see even more recipes available in the drop down menu. There is certainly enough to get you started but know that it is growing!

New video courses will be released MONTHLY! Wahoo!!! The most recent course at the time of this posting is “Getting Back on Track.” You’ll also see older courses that still apply such as “6 Ways to Stop Being Hungry” but you’ll notice the video quality has improved over the years ;) In just a few short weeks I’ll be sharing a new course focusing on the do’s and the don’ts of protein!

If you’re already a member, enjoy the new features and let me know what you think! If you aren’t a member, click here to join for FREE today and enjoy these features right away! If you enjoy your two week trial, membership is just $10 per month!

All my best in health,

Steph :)


7 thoughts on “NEW Member Features Released!!”

  1. I am having bariatric bypass surgery on November 1.

    How will this program benefit my needs to track my nutritional needs through the different phases of recovery.

  2. I am trying to find the list of fast foods approved in a pinch. I am a premier member but I’m not sure how to locate the document. I have seen it mentioned in videos before.

  3. Here is a link to the page you’re looking for. It will be the hyperlinked option that says “Dining Out Guide”

    As a member the best way to find this page is in the dashboard under the “Downloads” option

  4. Hi Mary!

    Thank you for your message and for the chance to answer your question as I’m sure many others wonder the same thing!

    I’m not certain if by “tracking” you mean a food tracker or if you mean specifically your protein intake. What I will say (and hopefully it answers your question) is that all the recipes and meal plans are written using the guidelines I recommend to my bariatric patients for their best nutrition AND their best results. Protein, carbs and fat will be listed at the bottom of each recipe. I am not a calorie counting dietitian (and here is more on why) but of course I am protein focused always for best hunger control and nutrition. Because there is so much individual variation in portion sizes as well as what exact ingredients someone might use, it does still take awareness on each persons end to know how many grams of protein they are eating. However, instead of worrying about each and every gram of protein, I counsel my patients to instead focus on protein at each meal and make it 70% of their focus. Another way to look at that is to eat 2 bites of protein to every 1 bite of vegetable, eat slowly and identifying their fullness/stopping point. Because this is so different for everyone, I’d rather they identify that point of satiety instead of stressing about the perfect portion size.

    I’m hoping this makes sense and answers the question. In terms of how this helps with each phase, you’ll see the “recipes” page has various selections on the right hand side of the page that will include “liquid diet recipes” and “soft diet recipes.” Because every bariatric program is different in what they consider each of their phases, you may see recipes that conflict with what your dietitian has said. Just be aware of that as bariatric diets do differ around our nation and the way I practice may be different from others.

    I know it’s a long answer :) If that wasn’t the information you were wanting, let me know here or email me at

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery and all my best to you!

  5. Hi Steph,

    I am a new member and I was really excited to use the meal planner. However, there is very limited recipes to use and most are entrees. When will the page include breakfast, lunch, and dinner entries?


  6. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for your message and I completely agree with your feedback. We are working out the technical side of how I can transfer my old recipes into the meal planner and once those things are ironed out, it will be quick and easy for me to get them plugged in! I have a deadline to have all the recipes in by the end of January so the bank of recipes is about to grow in the next few weeks and will be in the hundreds by January. Thank you for your patience!!

    Steph :)

  7. Hi Again Carolyn!

    I wanted to update you that the meal planner is starting to get filled up with more recipes. I’ve gotten past the technical hiccups and have been able to start transferred data into that library of recipes. I added 12 yesterday and will keep going! ;)


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