Monthly Member Chat this Sunday!

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

July 20, 2020

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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Protein Focused, Bariatric & GLP-1 Friendly

July  Member Chat

Once a month bariatric chat for members of bariatric food coach with dietitian steph wagner

Once a month live call with Steph answering member questions


Submit your questions now for our July chat!


Every month I jump on Zoom live with members and answer any question on their minds. It can be helpful to hear other questions get answered and even sparks some more questions, in a good way!

I find these live sessions can be motivating and inspiring for members. YOu get to connect with other members live in the chat box and gain some ideas from them alongside hearing my input on different questions. oThese live session are reserved for active members to Bariatric Food Coach. The link to join the call will come by email and in our closed Facebook group.

Become a Member


If you are a current member and want to submit a question, click this link.


Curious what questions have been asked so far? Here is a little preview!


“Can we have too much protein?”

“Why is it when we hit a plateau we self sabotage our good habits with bad, so we can see the numbers start to go down again?”

“Any idea on how to start weight lost once you hit a plateau?” “I’m devastated over losing so much hair. Can you talk on that?”

“I am a 12 hour night shift worker. It’s so hard to plan meals around my crazy schedule. Help!”

“I’m not good at percentage calculations so how many grams of carbs would you say is appropriate 2.5 years out per meal? I’m diabetic so I’m used to counting grams of carbs. 30 grams too much per meal?”


See you then!

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