Kathy’s Lost 163 Pounds and Counting!

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

September 19, 2016

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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Protein Focused, Bariatric & GLP-1 Friendly

Tell us about your weight struggle prior to surgery:

Oh my it was a struggle my whole life. I wore a size women’s 20 when I was in the 3rd grade. I was always a big girl and tall my whole life. I was on diet pills when I was in grade school and they did work at first then after awhile they quit working. When I was in high school and on I would exercise a lot every day to no help.

Share with us what led you to surgery and what brought you to ultimately make the decision:

This was not my first time to try to go for weight loss surgery. I had tried in 2008 and it didn’t happen but it was nothing I did wrong. So in 2013 I went to a seminar that Integris (a hospital in her area) was putting on.

Did you feel well supported in your decision?

I only discussed it with my husband. He was with me I did not talk to my grown children at the time.

Tell us what surgery you had on what date. If comfortable, share how much weight you’ve lost:

I had the old fashioned Rou-N-Y (Gastric Bypass) on June 4, 2014. I had been working toward this since September of 2013. I want to say when I started I was at 382. I am now at 219 that is 163 pounds! I am still working at losing more.

How where the early weeks and months after surgery?

It really wasn’t that bad for me except I found out that I am allergic to something in the protein powder and so it gave me terrible GI upset. It got better when I could have food.

Tell us about your life now…how it’s different..what you miss and what you love more than ever:

The one thing you have to know and understand, I am smaller than I have ever been. I wear a size 16 now and I have never worn a 16. I can walk, I can exercise, I can do things I haven’t been able to do for a long time. I don’t miss anything about my life then. I love the fact that I can walk and do things I haven’t been able to do in a long time.

How do you stay focused on a healthy bariatric diet in the midst of a busy life?

I am not saying that I am perfect in my diet, but I also know it is very hard when you are not at home. But I actually do very well on staying on the diet because most processed foods don’t like me and I don’t like it.

What do you feel was the biggest challenge in your journey…and is it still a struggle?

Being perfect in the diet. (I think we can all relate to this! – Steph) 

What goals do you have for yourself these days?

To still work at getting more weight off.

What words of advice and encouragement would you like to share with other post-op patients or patients starting the process to surgery?

First don’t give up. Do what you are to do. Read Read Read all you can on the procedure you want. Study the different doctors in the state that offer this surgery and if you have insurance make sure it is covered.

What other questions and/or comments would you like to discuss with the bariatric community?

My biggest comment is do your homework and learn to cook the foods you should have and be aware of what you want in life.

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