Get Focused 2020, Theme Announcement

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

January 22, 2020

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Get Focused 2020, Theme Announcement


Watch this short video for the theme of the February Get Focused Challenge


Wondering what the Get Focused Challenge is?

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Video Transcript:

You know what is awesome about this coming challenge…I get to call it Get Focused 2020. I mean, how perfect is that?! And now, I get to announce the theme of the challenge. Are you ready?? It’s a big one. Healthy Relationships with Food.
Oh man. I think this is juicy. Food is so personal and our relationship with food is as complicated as any other relationship with someone we love. In particular I will focus on this theme on the Sunday evening live calls and coach from the topic.
It can be tough to coach on such a personal topic but I will be giving you questions to ask yourself where you can develop a healthier view and relationship with food. I might talk about symptoms of an unhealthy relationship such as remembering everything you ate yesterday and not because you have a good memory, but because it’s consuming your mind that much.
We’ll talk about those things and how to cultivate a healthier relationship with food. It can be scary because we don’t want to stop paying attention to what we are eating, but we don’t want to give it more attention than it’s due either. I told you, it’s juicy.I also mentioned in a video last week that there will a twist for this challenge.
Week one and two you will get a daily email from me but in week THREE I’m turning my microphone off and turning yours on. I want to hear from members in week three how they are doing it on their own! More on that to come but think pictures, videos, recipes, workouts, an email what what you are learning about yourself…I will turn all the content you send into blogs or videos and email them during member week.
If you are wondering more about what the challenge is, there is a link below with a video that explains the basics a little more. If you are current member, you don’t need to do anything but look for the enrollment email to come on Monday, January 27th. The challenge is not an extra fee and is included in your membership. If you are not a member, join today so you’ll be ready to enroll!
Other questions? Feel free to email me. The challenge officially starts on Monday, February 3rd and our first live chat will be Sunday, February 9th. Feb 2nd is superbowl sunday and the kansas city chiefs are the big game, seeing as how I’m in kansas city, i will not be having a live call on superbowl sunday. Start thinking about your goals and get excited! Enrollment week is up next.


5 thoughts on “Get Focused 2020, Theme Announcement”

  1. I’m seven months post bypass. Sixty-five years young! I am looking forward to this !

  2. I’ m curious to know why I “always” have a sweet craving a few hours after dinner (towards bedtime too)…Im hoping this challenge will help me with this hurdle and how to get over it.

  3. I’m looking forward to getting back on track. There is so much content just in this email alone – I love it. It does seem overwhelming so I’m hoping that the challenge will make it all click and come together. Good luck in the Superbowl – I’m in Philly so obviously an Eagles fan – just hope that it’s a great game for everyone to enjoy.

  4. Hi Rhonda! The main point of the challenge is for each person to set a habit they want to focus on. They put that on their goal tracker and use that as a way to track how it’s going. Everything else is just added support including the emails, live calls, meal plans and so on. You can take what is helpful for you but do not have to watch/read/use all of it. Just focus on setting the goal for you!

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