Free Meal Planning Templates for Bariatric Patients

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

August 29, 2023

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Free Meal Planning Templates for Bariatric Patients


Around here I talk a LOT about meal planning that fits your style.  (In fact, I wrote a whole blog series about finding your meal planning style!)

Several factors will impact your best style and strategy for meal planning. Are you the only one eating or are you cooking for a family that “doesn’t have to eat bariatric meals?”

Are you a detailed person that likes a color coded menu plan? Or are you more of a scribble on a post-it note kind of planner?

There is no wrong answer when it comes to getting a good meal on the table.

Leaning into your own style that considers your circumstances will pay dividends on eating foods that help you reach your health goes after bariatric surgery.


Free menu template option #1: Weekly Dinners

I first created this template for my live session on using ChatGPT to Simplify Your Meal Planning. You can grab the replay here.

This is currently the menu I am using in my household.



Allow me to explain the three rows…

Template – I love using ChatGPT to get the ball rolling for me, but I prefer shopping with my eyes and looking at photos of recipes. I take what the bot told me and plug it into the template row of my menu.

Example: grilled chicken on Monday, pork chops on Tuesday, chili on Wednesday…etc…

Recipe – I take the template and search for recipes here on the BFC recipe page. Grilled chicken on Monday becomes Pico de Gallo Chicken. Yum.

Recipe location – I often forget where I saved a recipe. Did I save it to my collections on Bariatric Food Coach (members – you have this benefit!) or did I save it on Pinterest or email it to myself or rip it from a magazine?? This row helps me find the recipe faster when it’s time.

Grab your free copy of this dinner template here when you join the BFC Email List! (Or members can grab it right now here!)

^By the way, I will send you both templates! You don’t need to sign up for emails twice :)

grape icon bariatric food coachHow I like to use it:

I start by crossing out the nights I am not cooking. Whether it be a leftovers night, a church night or traveling.

I fill in the template box with a general idea of what I am making

LEVEL UP OPTION: Looking to save money?? Use the Flipp app to shop deals in your area on meats. Add those meats to the template box.

Next I look for recipes based on my template. Then I make a note of where to find that recipe later whether I printed it off, saved it, etc.

I walk around my kitchen to see what I need to buy and add it to a pickup grocery order. Then put my menu on the fridge to refer during the week.


blog image icon avocado

Free menu template option #2: Monthly Themed Dinners

Broken record alert…using templates for meal planning will save you TONS of time meal planning.

Don’t recreate the wheel every week.

Another great way to give yourself a big head start is using themes for your dinner nights.

Yes, we’re talking Taco Tuesday people.

This is a great thing to ask ChatGPT to get your wheels turning on theme night options. (Not to worry, I give examples on the template too!)

I use this mostly the same as the other.

Start by crossing off the days you won’t be cooking. You’ll have permission to not cook those nights…and you it’s not as overwhelming as a whole month of boxes to fill up!

While you could fill up the whole month, you can also do it one week at a time. Your STYLE…your call.

At the bottom of the template, I give you ideas of theme days.

Below those examples is the space to fill in your own choices. Then shop for recipes and jot down your meal in the box.

You’ll still need a spot to save or reference the recipes when it comes time to grocery shop and cook!

Grab your free copy of this dinner template here when you join the BFC Email List! (Or members can grab it right now here!)

^By the way, I will send you both templates! You don’t need to sign up for emails twice :)


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