Fall Focus Challenge Theme Announced!

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

October 17, 2019

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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Protein Focused, Bariatric & GLP-1 Friendly

28 Day Focus Challenge Starts October 31st


Set goals, stay accountable and encourage one another



Find out the THEME of this Fall’s challenge and start thinking about this theme in your own life.


The “Get Focused Challenge” is for any post-bariatric surgery patient looking for extra support getting or staying focused. Pre-op patients are welcome to participate.

The challenge is reserved for active members to FoodCoach.Me.

Join Membership


This is a “focus challenge” and not a weight loss challenge.

This is a 28 day period with increased community check-ins to encourage one another towards making the habits that lead to results. YOU pick the goals and we support you in reaching them.

I provide materials including meal plans, easy go-to recipes, dining out guides, no cook meal ideas, goal sheets and other suggestions members provide me. Email your suggestions to steph@foodcoach.me

Live check-in events are held once per week using Zoom Conference Calling. Accountability groups are available to join if you feel it is a good time to make a commitment to a group. See below for accountability group guidelines.

Accountability group guidelines for Get Focused Challenge for weight loss surgery patients

Groups of six will be paired inside the app. You can message one another and see how many days each member has been journaling. This is where accountability comes – the group can see if you’ve been journaling and checking in!


Enrollment opens Thursday, October 24th! The link to enroll will be sent to active members.

*The challenge is included in membership price and is not an extra cost. There is no long term commitment to joining as a member and you can cancel at anytime.

Enrollment will close at 10pm (Central) on Tuesday, October 29th.


Right here on FoodCoach.Me! The “Challenge Course Page” will be released at the time of enrollment. Each week a new ‘lesson’ will be released including an optional meal plan.

Plans will be posted a few days prior to the upcoming week. This allows participants to review materials and any shopping lists they may need prior to the official start of the 28 days on Thursday, October 31st. 

The first live check in chat of the challenge will take place Sunday, November 3rd. 

We will touch base right before the first week begins with two time options. 6:00pm CENTRAL or 8:00pm CENTRAL .

Group calls are conducted using Zoom Video Conferencing. More information will arrive after enrollment.


The holidays really start at Halloween! This pre-holiday challenge is meant to help us through November and get us all in a good mental space going into the height of the holiday season.

HOW (Next Steps): 

If you are a current member – no action is needed. You’ll receive the email link to enroll.  You will fill out a short form and be ready to go! In the meantime, consider what goals you may set for yourself. One goal related to food and one goal related to exercise.

Not a member?

I invite you to take a look around the site including the meal plans page, the recipe grid and the video library. If you like what you see, join as a member!

You can get started today will the current materials and be ready to join us next month. You are under no long-term commitment to remain a member and can cancel if you feel it is not a fit for you.

If you haven’t already – join my and you’ll receive a series of video emails including The Best Meal Plan After Weight Loss Surgery, The Truth About Carbs and my tips to Strengthening Your Willpower.

Join Membership

I’m excited to get started soon!

Steph :)

4 thoughts on “Fall Focus Challenge Theme Announced!”

  1. This is a great theme! I can’t wait for the live chats. Steph- your focus challenge is such a great tool. Each time I participate, I gain strength to keep improving.

  2. Thank you Ronnie for your kind comment! I so appreciate you taking the time to leave a message much less such a positive one! Strength to keep improving…I love that!!

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