Level Up Bariatric Meal Planning with ChatGPT!

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

May 7, 2024

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Meal Planning Tips – Updated May 2024

Level Up Bariatric Meal Planning with ChatGPT

Oh meal planning.

We know you’re worth our time. We acknowledge that it’s crucial to plan for food. We UNDERSTAND why we should do it.

See also: budgeting.

However, we also find you bland, boring, and dull. We have other things to do.

See also: family members complicate plans.
See also: when food doesn’t sound or settle well.
See also: if we can’t get it perfect, we don’t tend to start.

With all the buzz around ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence, I wanted to *learn enough to be dangerous* so I could apply it to meal planning.


blog graphic for free guide 9 prompts to ask chatgpt for easier bariatric surgery living


Here are some thoughts based on what I’ve learned about ChatGPT for Bariatric Meal Planning!

1- Start a free account on the OpenAI website

While other sites will talk about AI that has a fee, ChatGPT is currently free!

I prefer the desktop version which you can access here.

You can also download the app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Create a free account or use your Google or Apple account to get started.

2- Ask ChatGPT prompts specific to your bariatric menu hopes and dreams

You’ll start in a new chat session. Oh hey, ChatGPT!

You can skip the greeting and go straight for the demands. Wahoo!

Gimme a meal plan with no fish that has great flavor and is quick to prepare. And cheap! And hits my macros for the day! And…and…and my family will eat it!! (Wishful thinking?)

Joking aside, you do get to ask ChatGPT for your heart’s desire and see what the bot can come up with. I mean, why not?

Think outside the box too! If you have an upcoming trip and you’re wondering how to make food for, ask ChatGPT for tips. You can even insert the address of where you’re staying and ask for restaurants within a 10-minute driving radius that has a healthy menu.

3- You won’t hurt his (her?) feelings, give feedback for what you don’t like

This might be the best part. I often say we all have our meal planning style and getting dinner on the table doesn’t have to look the same for all of us.

So, pay attention to your reaction to ChatGPT answers. You may notice things about your natural style coming out. This is a chance to speak up with your likes and dislikes!


4 – Use it as a template, go shop for recipes with your eyeballs

My favorite thing about ChatGPT is to use it to get my wheels turning, but so far I haven’t made a menu that I fully used.

blog graphic steph wagner sitting in a chair speech bubble chatGPT can help you get started. once your wheels get turning, use your inspiration to make it work for you

It got me off to a great start. Thanks for the boost!! But I want to shop around for recipes that look and sound good. I shop here on the Bariatric Food Coach Recipe tab and fill out my menu.

Grab the freebies mentioned in the video!

Weekly Dinner Menu Template

Monthly Themed Dinners Template 


blog image icon avocado

BONUS TIP for Saving Money

Find out what meat is on sale at your grocery store before asking ChatGPT for meal ideas.

I love the free app Flipp for looking up ads in my area. Pork Chops are $1.99 a pound at Aldi?! Looks like we’re having pork chops this week!

2 thoughts on “Level Up Bariatric Meal Planning with ChatGPT!”

  1. Really quick question… one of the recommendations that was made was oatmeal. Is that accurate? I have heard that post surgery, the carbs should be minimal. Any input there?

  2. Programs differ but I am with you. I would prefer not to use oatmeal in a post-op menu.

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