Bariatric Roadmap of Sam’s Club

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

August 3, 2021

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Bariatric Roadmap of Sam’s Club


Grocery Shopping guide for post-op weight loss surgery patients at Sam’s Club



Sam’s Club and bariatric surgery patients

Chances are if you are reading this, you are a Sam’s Club person.

If you have one near by and you have a family or you prefer loading up and being done for awhile, Sam’s Club is just plain helpful!

What about after weight loss surgery? In a store of that size and a smaller pouch it can get a little more tricky. What should you look for? Are there items you can load up on to keep you on track and save time and money?

After walking around with my camera for more time than I’d like to admit, I can say the answer is yes! There are items you can load up on and save time and money!

Hot tip: if you don’t already have a Sam’s Club Membership, look on Groupon for a deal on membership!

Often times you can find a deal for a membership at Sam’s Club if you don’t have one already. It’s worth looking for!

^Affiliate link


*This photo of riced cauliflower burrito blend is actually lower in protein than I’d like to see. The roadmap will let you know how to take a product and make it BETTER for a post-op!

Another tip is to ask what other people like to buy at Sam’s Club. With a store that size and an inventory that massive, it is easy to miss things! Between this members shopping guide and the input from others, you can start to wean down to what you want to be looking for.

Introducing the third grocery store Roadmap for Bariatric Surgery Patients

Sam’s Club is not new to me, that is for sure! In fact, my very first website I bartered with my friend. He wanted help losing some weight and I wanted a website. I took him shopping at Sam’s Club and loaded his cart with easy protein options and veggies to pair alongside.  He lost his 30 pounds and my website was born!

The Roadmap of Sam’s Club joins the list of shopping guides for members to Bariatric Food Coach. The other guides currently include Costco and Aldi with Trader Joe’s releasing soon!

sams club shopping guide for bariatric patients pulled chicken

Sam’s Club is constantly changing. They certainly pay attention to the buying trends and interests of shoppers which means new options come on the market for high protein or low carb foods.

*Note: this can get tricky because marketers can put what they want on the front of a package. Beware of ‘high protein oatmeal’ or other high carb foods that are trying to look like a better option than they might actually be.

If you are ALREADY a member of Bariatric Food Coach…Click the link below to access your PDF!

Not a member? Find out more and access the Roadmap Today!

roadmap of sams club guide to navigating bariatric grocery shopping

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