Bariatric Pillar #3: Movement (cuz exercise is a bad word)

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

November 6, 2023

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Bariatric Pillars for a strong post-op foundation, Pillar #3: Exercise (err…movement)

Click here for the first video in this series: the 5 pillars of Bariatric Health! 

Exercise is out, movement is IN (just the word though)

It was the 2022 Annual ASMBS Meeting in Dallas when I found out the news.

Exercise is a bad word.

My first reaction was a giggle, admittedly, but as they described words that provoke a more positive experience with moving your body, I changed my attitude.

I actually do prefer talking about movement. Or fitness. Or strength.

So my bariatric pillar #3 is movement! Formerly known as exercise.

While I feel a bit badly for my Exercise Physiologist friends for having ‘exercise’ in their professional title, I can also relate. I am a DIETitian and we all know diet has been on the bad word list for years!

This week our pillar is all about movement and how it benefits the whole foundation (including mental health)!


If you don’t know how to get started with strength training, join me and Julie Przybyla, a dietitian and strength training coach on November 13th!

Join my to get the call invitation! 


live call w

The official recommendation for movement in a week

A few years ago I stopped thinking of exercise as something that had to be at least 30 minutes a day.

Before I had kids, that was the number in my head for my minimum time on a treadmill or a bike. Enter young children and I *rarely* hit the 30 minute mark.

After an annual visit with my doctor, she said the official recommendation was 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise (movement). With that on my mind, I kept a little whiteboard next to my treadmill and start logging my minutes.

I tried my darnedest but considering I had a 2 and 4-year-old and it was pandemic times, 120 minutes was the best I could do. I made that my new goal and it revolutionized how I viewed getting in movement during that wild time.

Nowadays, I can get closer to 150 minutes. But let’s add another kicker here. The official recommendation is to ALSO get two days of strength training!



Why strength training is the REAL McCoy

When we lose weight, we lose a little of everything.

By that I mean, fat, muscle and bone.

We really want to lose the fat (of course) but we don’t want to lose muscle and bone.

The answer?

Strength training. Also called weight training. Resistance training.

Things that make your body push, pull and lift.

When we have weight bearing down on the bone (as we do in lifting weights) it helps strengthen the bone.

When we build muscle, we continue to become efficient fat burners and metabolism benefits.

Weight training doesn’t have to be intimidating! In fact, I recommend my friend Julie at @vibrantRD on Instagram. She is a trainer and a dietitian and has a really easy to use online program that helps you lift and learn! Here is a link to find out more about her program (affiliate link).


How movement helps the other pillars

It is easy to see it simply: movement helps weight loss because it burns more calories.

Yes, that’s true but it’s not the whole story.

Movement helps increase endorphins, decrease stress, improve blood flow, improve sleep, reduces health risks, improves our ability to do daily activities, and can be social if we want it to be!

Looking at movement from a lens of ALL the benefits it provides instead of just burning calories can help it become more motivating to add to our day.

Naming WHY you prioritize movement can help on the days you don’t feel like it!

Stress relief and alone time will win for me more than burning calories, any day.

Move movement can mean more controlled appetite, better sleep and possibly increase in thirst for more water. Not to mention if it helps with mental health and mood – it can help you feel more positive which helps you chose tasks that support your pillars.


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It’s still true – find the movement you love to do, and even better if you have a buddy

Make a list of all the ways you enjoy getting movement.

Consider the Season and what fits during the cold, Winter months versus the hot Summer months.

Leslie Sansone is still my favorite for a free indoor walking buddy on YouTube.

If you have a gym or community center membership, find someone who also belongs there and see if you can meet up for walks on the track.

If dancing is your thing, find local classes or online streaming options. Jazzercise has an On Demand option! ;)


Comment below with what works best for YOU to get movement in your day!




One thought on “Bariatric Pillar #3: Movement (cuz exercise is a bad word)”

  1. I find your messages so encouraging! I love this *new movement term. I’m going to start using that. I’m also obsessed with Jazzercise! I’ve been doing the on demand classes for a few weeks and can already feel/see a difference

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