Bariatric Pillar #2: Meal Planning (boring…)

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

October 30, 2023

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Bariatric Pillars for a strong post-op foundation, Pillar #2: Meal Planning and Food Quality

Click here for the first video in this series: the 5 pillars of Bariatric Health! 

Bariatric meal planning can be so boring!

When I get asked to do a speaking engagement about meal planning, my first thought is “I need to try to keep them awake.”


Because let’s face it. It’s about as exciting of a topic as budgeting.

We know we *should* do it. And in a perfect world where we don’t have to do 15,208 other things we would TOTALLY meal plan.

This week’s bariatric pillar is all about meal planning and food quality.

It’s a HUGE pillar but we tend to think it’s the only one. It’s not.

Let’s talk about how to debunk the idea that meal planning as to be a perfect science and also talk about logistical ways to set you up for faster meals.



You probably know meal planning after bariatric surgery is important, but let me tell you why anyway

The food pillar is certainly worth our time and attention. It’s not the ONLY pillar though. We need to keep a broader view of how other things are going.

Because the pillars work together to support a strong foundation, that means meal planning helps the others. And vice versa.

Quality food at regular meal times is the world’s best strategy to hunger control and optimal metabolism. Skipping meals or grazing through the day makes the bariatric health foundation pretty wonky.

Lean, solid protein is filling and because of the bariatric surgery pouch – it means smaller portions. For a deep dive on hunger control, protein textures and everything else you need to know about post-op eating, check out my members course “Hunger and Bariatric Surgery.” 

Meal Planning is a cornerstone habit that allows many other things to come more easily. And the GOOD news?? It doesn’t have to be color-coded, Pinterest perfect with exactly macros.



Meal Planning doesn’t have to be perfect – it just needs to get you quality food at the right time

We are all different people which means we use different methods to get similar results.

We clean our houses differently.

We put together a puzzle differently.

We probably chop an onion differently.

The hold up with menus and meal plans online is if it doens’t FIT you. This is your official permission slip to do it your own way!

Sure, finding out how other people are doing this is a great method to collecting information for what does work for you. You might find a template that DOES work great! And I certainly hope mine does! 

But you can also jot down meal ideas on a post-it note. You can do grocery deliver, pickup or a fast run into Walmart. You have permission to do it a little differently on a different week too.

Yes, we want to create systems that are repeatable but we also want to allow enough flexibility that we can still get food together when life throws us curveballs.

Become the kitchen manager – how do you want to set up your kitchen?

I talked about this at the 2023 Obesity Help National Convention (a great event in Southern California if you can ever make it!)

Zoom out a moment and think less about this week’s menu and more about how your kitchen flow is going.

A kitchen manager in a restaurant will be tasked with having good organization strategies. A spot for the correct items. A task list of what to do at the end of the day for a smooth start the next.

If you haven’t done a good declutter of your ktichen for a while, I would recommend it!

Having clear countertops and cupboards that aren’t busting open will bring you mental space that can help make meal prep more enjoyable and less overwhelming.

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Establish good food inventory systems for faster meal planning and prep

You might have something set up but never named it as an inventory system.

For me, it’s a white board with two columns: What do we need to buy? What do we need to use up?

We add to the board throughout the week. I consult what we need to use up when I make my menu. I place a grocery pickup order while standing in front of my white board!

Using clear containers for produce and labeled sections in the refrigerator can also help. I love my designated shelf for leftovers so they don’t get pushed to the back and forgotten.

Leave a comment below with how you handle food inventory!


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Use ChatGPT for meal planning help!

Check out my video on how to use ChatGPT to speed up making a menu that fits you and your people!

If you haven’t done this before, I’m so excited for you. This will blow your mind.

Comment below with what works best for YOU to get quality food at your meal times!




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