Bariatric Bingo

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

July 25, 2022

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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Protein Focused, Bariatric & GLP-1 Friendly

Bariatric Bingo

Hitting health and wellness goals with a fun and friendly bariatric bingo game!

Read below for the who/what/when info!


Become a Member

bariatric bingo card image


check out this video sent out to members with bingo info!



Members to Bariatric Food Coach! Click here for more information about our affordable membership!


It’s BINGO with a Bariatric Twist!

Each day I will draw an item listen on the BINGO cards. You can do the item that day or catch up and do several on one day. Members can post their BINGOS and photos in our members Facebook group to win prizes! Toward the end of the month when blackout cards start coming in, I will draw for even bigger prizes!

You do not have to be on Facebook to participate. Members can also email me or join a GroupMe group.


The first item will be called on August 1st!

I will call an item each day in August until all 25 items have been called! This will allow a few catch up days for the last week of August and I will announce big prize winners on September 1st!

Ready to join the fun?

If you are a current member, there is now a BINGO tab at the top of the website when you are logged in. You can find the BINGO cards there and I will update it each day with the item that has been called!

I will also be updating our Facebook group and I will send out a weekly email reminder with what items have been called.

If you are not a member, join us and you’ll be ready to Bariatric BINGO! Membership is just $14 a month and unlock every single thing on the website which includes a massive library of recipes, menus, PDF guides, video courses, group access….everything!

Become a Member

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