August 2021 Live Member Call Replay

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

August 30, 2021

90+ Protein Snack Ideas

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August 2021 Monthly Member Live Chat Replay


Once a month bariatric chat for members of bariatric food coach with dietitian steph wagner


Answering questions including early and late dumping syndrome, intermittent fasting and excess skin


Questions and answers mentioned in the live call:

(View this question at minute 2 in the replay.)

This is a personal decision for sure. It is more than okay to setup a consultation with a plastic surgeon and ask them what they advise.

As a dietitian, if this person is asking if is possible to lose more weight 5 years after surgery, the answer is yes. Absolutely. Another member on the call added in the chat box she is 15 years post-op and recently lost 50 pounds getting back on track.

I would tell this person it is not too late to lose more if that is the real motivation behind the question!

(This question is discussed at minute 5 in the video.)

In short, the answers would be look at concealing clothing or how to dress yourself to feel your best. Some exercise can help build muscle but cannot improve the elasticity of your skin. Some patients will qualify for plastic surgery but unfortunately not all patients can afford it if insurance doesn’t cover it.

You might use Google to look up brands of clothing that focus on concealing loose skin.

(This question is discussed at 7:45 in the video.)

I mentioned in this answer the members video course on reading nutrition labels.

You can view the lesson on snacks OR click on any of the lessons and see the PDF link to the nutrition guide cheat sheet which includes Greek Yogurts.

(This question is discussed at minute 13 in the video.)

Here is the blog mentioned in our conversation on traveling.

Members also chimed in with great suggestions.

(This question is discussed at minute 20 in the video.)

It can be very different for each patient. If we lined up 10 patients, they would all answer differently to how they react to high sugar or high fat foods.

In this part of the call I discuss early and late dumping syndrome.

(Question 7 is discussed at 28:10) *I answered these out of order and go back to question 6!

The best sources of fiber for a post-op, especially when staying mindful of carbohydrates will be vegetables. I like to focus on 2 bites protein to 1 bite veggies.

It’s been said 15 grams of fiber for 1000 calories is a good goal. Watch my full response for more info.

(Question 6 is discussed at minute 30)

Look at your macro pie chart from a 30 day snap shot instead of 1-7 days. Also early out of surgery it’s okay that macros aren’t perfect. You might look at lower fat cheeses but for the most part softer proteins will have more fat and it will work itself out as you move towards more solid proteins if they are lean.

(Question 8 is discussed at minute 33)

Resources mentioned:

Chick’n Strips by Gardein

Trader Joe’s Shopping guide – now live to members!

(Question 9 is discussed at minute 38)

Intermittent fasting can have a broad definition. If a patient were to eat breakfast at 7am, lunch at 12pm and dinner at 6pm but not eat between 7pm and 7am, they could call that a 12 hour intermittent fasting but is actually on plan with a bariatric diet.

If someone stopped eating after dinner when they had previously been snacking at night, that would be effective for getting back on track. You could call it IF but it may be just getting back on track.

For intermittent fasting with larger intervals, it’s not ideal for bariatric patients who need to get adequate protein at routined times. Skipping meals can be hard on metabolism long term and fasting for long amounts of time is not sustainable. Instead I would recommend getting back to basics of meal planning. Members can email me for more help getting back into structure or let me know if you need help finding a dietitian in your state.

A special thanks to members who joined us live and for those watching the replay!

Find out about the Bariatric Food Coach Membership and you’ll have access to our monthly chats, submitting your questions and engaging with others!

Calls take place the third Sunday of each month (unless otherwise stated) at 7:30pm Central. A zoom link is emailed to active members the days leading up to the call. Click here for any questions.  

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