Do You Know Your Meat is Safe??

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

August 4, 2014

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If you don’t currently use a thermometer in your kitchen, I would strong suggest getting one! They are easy to find and make a big difference in your food.

Think about it. If you get nervous if your chicken is ready or not, do you keep cooking it and then it’s overdone? Super dry or chewy? Perhaps it did need to be cooked longer, but not much longer. Taking a quick temperature would put your mind at ease that you are safe, but so you don’t over cook.

Save this blog as a reference for safe temperatures for your meats. Get a quality thermometer rather than something super cheap that may not accurate. Even the better quality items won’t be too expensive!

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safe temperature pork


**Get my Bruschetta Pork Chop Recipe Here! 

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