Now Playing: Food Fundamentals

Am I getting enough protein? Should I be eating this much? How long can I keep doing this? 

You want to feel GOOD about your food decision and see the results in your body. 

But how do you shake the worry that you’re doing it wrong? Is it possible to feel more confident, more free?

Hear me loud and clear: no amount of googling bariatric eating will help you feel like you truly know what you’re doing <— which is completely exhausting anyway.

But what’s worse?

Meandering through a life of protein shakes and shaved deli meat when you don’t know what else to do, and wondering how long you can keep it up …

Watching other bariatric surgery patients post photos of their progress and wondering what THEY are eating to see those kinds of results …

And wanting SO badly to hold a road map to be the healthiest version of yourself, because you did not go through all of this to feel otherwise.

BUT, you can’t seem to get your hands on any roadmap of the sort.

graphic for Food Fundamentals course sales page

Is my protein intake high enough? Are my carbs too high? Am I eating too much fat? 

Plus you’re already busy with everything else on your plate—if you have to figure out dinner for everyone at the last minute AGAIN you may have to scream.            

You LOVE a good success story, but stay up at night worrying if you won’t be one.

Get ready to say goodbye to doubting your food choices, and say hello to confidence in what to eat to hit your goals.

food icons and benefits of learning about food after bariatric surgery in food fundamentals

Because patients who successfully lose 80% of their excess body weight (and keep it off for more than five years) are doing a lot of the same things.

The survey says? They eat protein first, eat mindfully, don’t eat out, and don’t graze.

Sure, that seems simple enough. But how does that actually WORK for them? WHAT are they eating?

Even though the studies show similar habits in successful patients – it doesn’t mean they all do it the same way.

This is why I created my newest bariatric eating course “Food Fundamentals.” 

An eight-lesson video course so you can gain insight and confidence in your eating after bariatric surgery.

blog graphic highlighting bariatric course Food Fundamentals logo overlay bariatric food coach

I’m Steph and post-ops like you are exactly who I created Food Fundamentals for: it’s an at-your-own-pace course with visuals and handouts to help you answer questions like “What about cauliflower pizza?” and “What about coffee creamers?”

ALL of my courses are contained in one library. My virtual shelves are not just easy-to-follow video lessons either. They’re also stacks of recipes, menus, guides, and a vibrant online community with monthly activities to keep healthy habits fun. Think Bariatric Bingo and Scavenger hunts.

Food Fundamentals is a great fit for anyone after bariatric surgery – and it’s included with ALL the other resources to support what you learn inside.

This course is unlocked for my Premier Access Members, here’s an overview of the benefits you’ll get …

Food Fundamentals is my newest course in the BFC Library! It joins 12 other courses including popular courses on hunger after surgery and emotional eating.

Here at Bariatric Food Coach, I do things a little differently.

Okay, ACTUALLY. It’s not just the courses. 

Arguably the most creme de la creme part of this offer is the community.

Watch those videos, grab the guides, plan the recipes, and connect with encouraging real-life online friends doing the same dang thing.

We cheer hard for each other and keep it fun with monthly games and prizes.

No, it’s not on Facebook. This is our private online community monitored by our community coordinator/cheerleader (who happens to have a nursing and public health background).

Everything has been crafted and created by myself, a dietitian specializing in bariatric surgery since 2009. Members gain email access to me so you can find your next steps (without Google).

I told you we do things differently around here. No $$$$ private coaching groups. All the resources, education, AND community with 1️⃣ affordable monthly member price.

And did I mention it’s HSA/FSA eligible??

Sure, you could… try a new diet plan again.

…but you’ve already tried some version of all the diets out there. And not feeling up to the time, the money, and learning another new plan.

Or you could… go back to shakes again. Resetting or something?

But here’s the reason that won’t REALLY get what you want …it won’t manage hunger and will probably make nighttime snacking harder.

Or you could also keep watching social media posts about keto recipes and wonder if you can have those.

…Is that really okay to eat? Will I lose weight? Or get sick?

Sure … you COULD …

OR you could take a deep breath and watch short, digestible video lessons from me that apply to your here and now.

You could connect online in a safe and private environment with others who understand the challenges and emotions of managing weight in the later years after surgery.

You could…come join us and find answers and fast friends.

Your investment for Premier Access Membership?

Everyone thinks I am crazy for pricing all my resources, education, and community so low.

Private coaching groups with bariatric dietitians go for thousands of dollars.

Bariatric memberships sites range from $40-150 per month.

Courses from dietitians or therapists go for over $500.

I’m passionate about affordable bariatric education, support, and community in between your clinic visits.


I believe strongly in access to great resources for your daily post-op life (without a bazillion ads to find one recipe).

So much so I found a way to become HSA/FSA eligible. If you have one of those tax savings accounts, you can use it here. (Benefits vary but we’ve not heard of denials either).

You can get started for just $29

bariatric food coach premier access pricing plans

Here are the steps to get started:

>>>Join Premier Access Membership 

>>>Start the Food Fundamental lessons

>>>Head to the community to connect with others

If anything fails or breaks or you aren’t happy…

We are here to help. My team is all about providing an encouraging and positive experience.

If you aren’t happy, let us know within 24 hours of your membership purchase and we’ll close it all and refund your money as if it never happened.

Our support email is reviewed every 24 hours, Monday-Friday. Tech issues happen but great news!!! I’m married to a web developer who is the co-founder of this whole thing. And when he’s tied up with our two children or his day job, we have other developers on standby.

We’ll get to the bottom of it!

Here is a note from someone who can vogue for me:

“I really appreciate the prompt communication (and everything I have found on your site so far)!”

And just who I am?

I’m Steph, a Registered Dietitian with 14 years of experience specializing in bariatric surgery eating, and coaching.

I hold a Bachelor’s and Masters’s Degree in Food and Nutrition and author of “Best Fork Forward: Everyday Dinners after Bariatric Surgery.”

And now, I’m pulling back the curtain on all my best bariatric eating knowledge and tools. Are you ready?

But hold on…here’s what it’s not…

This is not personalized medical information. You need to work with a dietitian licensed in your state and in your medical record for that.

Premier Access supports you in the every day but does not replace your bariatric team.

It’s in the in-between appointment help when you can’t bring your dietitian home.

If you need help finding bariatric providers in your area, we can help connect you.

You’re a fit for Premier Access Membership if…

You are ready to look under the hood and understand more about food, metabolism, hunger, and weight fluctuations (beyond what diet culture says).

You want to establish new rhythms that support your overall health that are sustainable and realistic.

You enjoy connecting with others and encouraging them on their journey and feel supported in return.

We may not be a fit if instead…

You are looking for a certain number of calories, grams, and exercise plans to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain date.

You are not interested in investing any more money into your bariatric lifestyle. You’ve spent enough as it is!

Here’s what others have asked before joining us!

Can I sign up anytime?

Yes! Membership is always open and Food Fundamentals will not leave the course library. We have members finishing the course nearly every day and saying things like  “I learned to eat more protein for breakfast to avoid hunger later in the day. Very helpful hormone information.”

I don’t think I have time for this??

I get it! That’s why the video lessons are broken up and at your own pace. You can pause a lesson anytime and read discussion boards on your own time.

How long do I get access?

Members have full access to everything in the Bariatric Food Coach library for as long as they remain a member. (Think Disney Plus, etc.)

What topics do you cover?

The Food Fundamentals Course includes 8 lessons:

What kind of support is offered?

Our team is small but mighty! We have a support email monitored every weekday + email access to Steph for nutrition questions. A community coordinator to keep our space encouraging and fun. Plus bonus points for our web developer to help us through the hairy moments of tech.

You’ll walk away with: 

+ A clearer understanding of calories, macros, and why numbers don’t have to stress you out
+ How to build your meals with confidence and use your surgical tool to its full potential
+ A nutrition label cheatsheet so you can make decisions quickly and not get lost in the aisles for hours
+ Support in breaking away from all-or-nothing thinking or people-pleasing so you can have more freedom in your food life

At this point, it comes down to this:

Can you keep going without this?

You’ve worried, wondered and feared enough.

You KNOW life should be more simple with the tool of a bariatric surgery.

It’s time to get the roadmap you’ve been looking for. See you on the inside?