You’re Invited!
Goal Setting for Bariatric Surgery Patients:
A free workshop for realistic and helpful goal-crafting
For the past few weeks, I’ve been working quietly on something I love to do for my website members. And this time? I’m opening it to everyone!
It’s time to fill you in—because a) I can’t contain my excitement much longer and b) it’s great timing before the holiday foods come to smack us in the face!
Introducing …
my (fave) Goal Setting Workshop – building out goals that strengthen your health foundation
Join me on Tuesday, October 17th in the daytime OR evening!!!
We talk allllll about goals that matter and last far longer than the numbers on the scale . Goals that fit YOU and your lifestyle and season of life.
Click here to Register for the NOON Central Workshop on 10-17
Click here to register for the 7:30 p.m. Central Workshop on 10-17
Just think. By October 17th —you’ll be able to:
Break free from all-or-nothing goal setting that tells you to “get back on track tomorrow” but doesn’t leave room for error
Name the pillars in your foundation that need fortifying and see clearly how doing so, will strengthen all the others
Find out what 3️⃣ things a goal really needs for best follow through and start drafting ones that fit you best
Can’t wait to see you at the free Goal Setting Workshop!! (This is usually reserved for members taking a Focus Challenge, but this time I’m including everyone!)
If you’re willing to spend 30ish minutes to reflect on your health foundation and name specific goals that will move you forward
… I promise I’ll pull back the curtain and lay it all out there for you inside our call.
Hi I am in Eastern time so if I want to join for the noon would it be 1 pm my time?
Thanks, Sandy