5 FNCE Takeaways for Bari RDs

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

October 17, 2022

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5 FNCE Takeaways for Bari RDs


A quick video for Bariatric Dietitians!

If you weren’t able to go to FNCE in Orlando this month, this is a super quick rundown of 5 things I am taking away as a dietitian and how they might pertain specifically to Bariatrics.

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5 Takeaways from FNCE 2022, for bariatrics

1️⃣ Amazing presentation from Amy Plano RD and Ingrid Knight RD on insurance reimbursement for dietitian services. They made a very strong case for billing insurance for patient visits, especially in outpatient settings and for obesity.

This can help bariatric dietitians become revenue generators for the clinic instead of a cost. This can help advocate for hiring more dietitians and/or having funds to get you to conferences like ASMBS and FNCE!

2️⃣ Discussions in the AND for multi-state licensure. Could it be possible we can obtain a license in a network of states and expand our patient reach??

3️⃣ Loved meeting up with other Weight Management DPG members. Getting the chance to connect with the group in person is reason enough for me to try to get to these conferences!

(I also went to sessions on sleep, hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery, barriers to obesity care, finance for successful business and negotiating for success)

4️⃣  Bariatric Summit recommendation – I met another bariatric RD who had just returned from the Bariatric Summit and highly recommended it. I was so curious to know as I hadn’t heard from anyone who had attended!

5️⃣ Expo product finds – not many specific to bariatric (or not new ones) but a few worth mentioning:

Moon Stone (sugar free kidney health drink mix for patients who are prone to stones)

NutraSweet Naturals (stevia with less bitter taste)

True Made Foods condiments (zero sugar ketchup, bbq sauce, etc)

*Forgot to mention in the video – “Breezing Pro” for Indirect Calorimetry testing in your office. Really fascinating demo of how lightweight the mask is and how it connects to your phone for patient RMR results after 10 minutes. Also billable to insurance making it more accessible to patients.



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